
Charitable Donation Scheme update

Revenue has issued a new guide on the Charitable Donation Scheme which all charities must be aware of.

The new guide gives examples of donations that do not qualify for relief, such as school fees or contributions substituting for school fees, sponsorships, or annual memberships.

Revenue recently issued new CHY 3 and CHY 4 forms. Charities should in future request donors to sign the newer versions of the form. Religious charities claiming relief on their members' donations should request that the CHY3 is signed once the old form has expired. The CHY 3 form lasts for 5 years.

The minimum annual income limit for audited financial statements has also been increased from €100,000 to €250,000 - a welcome change for smaller charities. 

We would like to remind all charities that Charity VAT Scheme claims must be made before midnight on the 30 June for 2023 claims. This deadline is rigorously enforced and no late claims are allowed. A claim can be amended so we recommend that you put in an initial claim which can be changed up to 30 June 2024.

If you have any questions please contact Ronan O'Brien or Fergus Woodcock.

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